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Fraunhofer FKIE
The Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE
Fraunhoferstraße 20
D-53343 Wachtberg
is a constituent entity of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, and as such has no separate legal status.
zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
Hansastraße 27 c
80686 München
Responsible editor:
Daniel Ota
Department ITF
daniel.ota at
VAT Identification Number in accordance with §27 a VAT Tax Act: DE 129515865
Court of jurisdiction:
Amtsgericht München (district court)
Registered nonprofit association
Registration no. VR 4461
Executive Board:
Prof. Holger Hanselka | President
Prof. Axel Müller-Groeling | Member of the executive board
Elisabeth Ewen | Member of the executive board
Dr. Sandra Krey | Member of the executive board
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